Students may major in 俄罗斯 (Plan A major) or 俄罗斯 and a second language (Plan B major).


Plan A majors are required to complete 12 credits in 俄罗斯.

Plan B majors whose primary concentration is 俄罗斯 are required to complete nine courses in 俄罗斯.

Plan B majors whose secondary concentration is 俄罗斯 are required to complete seven courses in 俄罗斯.

A计划专业: Plan A majors are required to complete 12 credits in 俄罗斯 如下:

  • Seven courses in 俄罗斯, to be chosen from among the following: RUSS 101, 102, 201, 202, 210, 270, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 320.
  • Two courses in 俄罗斯 literature and culture.
  • A senior thesis, RUSS 497.
  • Two cognate courses in 俄罗斯 studies from outside the department.

Credit acquired through the Language Across the Curriculum program may also count toward the cognate requirement. Students who begin 俄罗斯 in their sophomore year are encouraged to do summer work off campus at an approved program.

B计划专业: Plan B majors whose primary concentration is 俄罗斯 are required to complete nine courses in 俄罗斯, 如下:

  • Seven courses from the language sequence.
  • One literature and culture course in translation (RUSS 284, 285, 286, 288, 357).
  • The senior exercise (RUSS 497. 毕业论文). The thesis must explore a topic that joins Russia with the student’s secondary concentration.

Plan B majors whose secondary concentration is 俄罗斯 are required to complete five courses in 俄罗斯 from the 俄罗斯 language sequence. Literature courses taught in English and cross-listed with a LACS prefix may not be counted.

Please note that some aspect of 俄罗斯 literature or culture must be an integral part of the senior exercise required for the student’s primary concentration.

All 俄罗斯 majors (Plan A and Plan B) are required to pass the department’s 俄罗斯 language proficiency examination.

The Writing Intensive Part II requirement for the Plan A or Plan B 俄罗斯 major is fulfilled by RUSS 497.


荣誉: To qualify for honors in the 俄罗斯 major students must attain a cumulative average of A- or better in all courses counting toward the major, including RUSS 497.

The minor in 俄罗斯—the minor in 俄罗斯 develops linguistic skills as well as an appreciation of 俄罗斯 culture and civilization. Students take six courses in the 俄罗斯 language. In exceptional circumstances and with consent of the faculty adviser for the minor, up to two of these courses may be replaced by a course in English on 俄罗斯 culture.

Interdisciplinary Minor in 俄罗斯 Studies

This interdisciplinary minor examines 俄罗斯 society, with an emphasis on its historical development and its literature. Students will learn to use the methods of the various disciplines that constitute this field of study. Fulfillment of the minor requires completion of five courses and an approved research project. No grade lower than C- may be counted towards the minor. Students are urged to consider a semester of study away in Russia.

Course requirements:

  • 嘘226. The Rise of Modern Russia
  • Three electives in 俄罗斯 literature (LACS or RUSS) at the 200-level or above, with at least one at the 300-level, as approved by the minor coordinator.
  • One additional elective course chosen in consultation with the minor coordinator.
  • Each student must complete an approved research project that investigates some topic of interest and makes balanced use of two of the disciplines. This may be an independent study or a paper written for one of the courses. Each student is expected to make an oral presentation of the paper to other participants in the program.

Students who have learned 俄罗斯 may substitute RUSS 301. 俄罗斯 through Literature and Film, RUSS 302. 俄罗斯 Narrative Prose, or RUSS 304. The Current 俄罗斯 Media for one of the elective courses in the second requirement.

Students majoring in 俄罗斯 and Eurasian studies or 俄罗斯 language and literature are ineligible for this minor.

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