The major in 拉美裔研究 is designed to foster a detailed understanding of the vast and complex mix of cultural systems that constitutes the Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian World, 一个包括美利坚合众国在内的空间. 在追求这一目标的过程中,学生们使用了广泛的创意传统. 而我们处理的大多数文本人工制品都是西班牙语的, 葡萄牙语在这些地区越来越重要. The overarching aim of this analytical work is to enhance students’ ability to understand the multiple manifestations of Hispanic cultural production and the social and historical contexts in which they arise.



西班牙研究专业的A计划学生总共需要12门课程.超过HISP 102的5门课程.

以西班牙语研究为主的B计划专业学生需要修7门课.超过HISP 102 5学分.

B计划专业 whose secondary concentration is in Hispanic studies are required to take a total of five courses in Hispanic studies beyond HISP 102.


A计划专业:所有A计划专业的学生都必须完成12门课程.超过HISP 102的5门课程. 必修课程(共9门).5学分) are to be distributed in the following manner: two courses at the 26X-level; 他270年; 他280年; 他290年 (0.5); one course from another department/program related to the Hispanic world or any course in LACS; three courses at the 300 level; and HISP 401.

本专业的其余学分通过选修课程获得. 在国外学习的课程不能超过三门. 在国外修过的一门300级课程被计入本专业. 所有其他专业的必修课程必须在信誉最好的网投十大平台哈特福德校区完成. 选修课可能包括201, 202, 214, 215, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 229, 240 245, 或额外的26x级课程, 在国外修读的认可课程, 或者额外的300级课程. 助教学分不计入主修或辅修科目.

Spanish majors are expected to study in one of the official 研究了  sites or in any other  program approved by     the 拉美裔研究 section in Spain or Latin America (see the “外出学习办公室”网站).  所有希望在国外修习的课程获得本专业学分的学生, must have taken at least one thematically appropriate (Iberian or Latin American) civilization and culture course (HISP 26X) before their departure. 精心策划与学生的顾问和协调, 如果适用的话, 因此,系里赞助这些网站的教员是必不可少的. Students who spend a year abroad in one of the official 研究了 sites or in any other program approved  by  the 拉美裔研究 section in Spain and/or Latin America may petition to have  more than 3 courses count  towards  the Major.



  • hsp102以外的三门选修课
  • 一门相关领域课程或任何LACS课程
  • 两门文化课程(HISP 261、262、263或264)
  • 他270年. 文化分析概论
  • 他280年. 拉美裔哈特福德
  • 他290年. 在西班牙语世界研讨会上的研究(0).5学分)
  • 三次HISP 300级别(西班牙语高级研讨会)
  • HISP 401(高级研修班)
  • 出国留学

B计划专业: (students who combine two of the languages taught in the Department of 语言文化研究 and the Classical Studies Department)

B计划专业 whose primary concentration is in 拉美裔研究 are required to take the following courses (totaling 7.5个学分(超过HISP 102):两门课程在26X水平,他270年, 他280年, 他290年 (0.5),三门300级课程,以及hsp401. 在最后的练习中, 如果可能的话, the student will engage in in-depth study of a theme that integrates material from the primary and secondary fields of linguistic and cultural competence. The remaining five credits for the major will be taken in the student’s secondary area of linguistic and cultural competence. Students who do not study abroad in a Spanish-speaking country must take an extra 300-level course to substitute for 他290年.

Majors whose primary competence is Spanish are expected to study in one of the official 研究了 sites or in any other program approved by the 拉美裔研究 section in Spain or Latin America (see All students wishing to receive credit toward the major for courses taken abroad must have taken at least one thematically appropriate (Iberian or Latin American) civilization and culture course (HISP 26X) before their departure. Careful planning in coordination with the student’s advisor and 因此,系里赞助这些网站的教员是必不可少的. 不能出国留学的学生必须选修额外的300级课程来代替他290年.


  • 两门文化课程(HISP 261, 262, 263或264)
  • 他270年. 文化分析概论
  • 他280年. 拉美裔哈特福德
  • 他290年. 在西班牙语世界研讨会上的研究(0).5学分)
  • 两个HISP 300级课程(西班牙语高级研讨会)
  • HISP 401(高级研讨会)

B计划专业 whose secondary concentration is in 拉美裔研究 are required to take a total of five courses in 拉美裔研究 beyond HISP 102. 这些, the following must be taken with faculty at Trinity’s 哈特福德 campus: two courses in civilization and culture and two 300-level courses. 在某些情况下, students may request that one upper-level course taken at an approved study-away program count toward the required number of 300-level courses. Certain prerequisites for 300-level courses may be waived for B计划专业 with secondary competency in 拉美裔研究 at instructor’s discretion.


  • 一个选修课
  • 两门文化课程(HISP 261、262、263或264)
  • 两个HISP 300级课程(西班牙语高级研讨会)


A计划专业: 本专业的其余学分通过选修课程获得. 只有一门在国外学习的300级课程可以计入本专业. 所有其他专业的必修课程必须在信誉最好的网投十大平台哈特福德校区完成. 选修课可能包括201, 202, 214, 215, 221, 224, 226, 245, 额外的26x级课程, 在国外修读的认可课程, 或者额外的300级课程.

经批准的葡萄牙语或加泰罗尼亚语课程可算作本专业的选修课. 助教学分不计入主修或辅修科目.


The Writing Intensive Part II requirement for students in either the Plan A or plan B Hispanic studies major is fulfilled by HISP 401. 高级研讨会.

A计划专业HISP 401:高级研讨会. 在最后的练习中, students will engage theoretical and critical readings around a common theme related to the Spanish-speaking world and require an analytical research paper on  a specific topic related to the common theme.

B计划专业 (主要集中在西班牙研究)-HISP 401. 在最后的练习中, 如果可能的话, the student will engage in in-depth study of a theme that integrates material from the primary and secondary fields of linguistic and cultural competence.



A计划专业 are expected to study in in one of the official 研究了 sites or in any other program approved by the Hispanic studies section in Spain or Latin America.


B计划专业 whose primary competence is Spanish are encouraged to participate in a study away program approved by the Office of Study Abroad.


The 拉美裔研究 section of the Department of 语言文化研究 presumes the constructed and dynamic nature of most forms of culture, 包括像民族和国家这样大而重要的实体. A great deal of emphasis is placed on the role institutions play in mediating and shaping our sense of social reality.


To qualify for honors in 拉美裔研究 majors must attain a cumulative average of A- or better in all courses counting toward the major and achieve an A- or better in the HISP 401.


辅修西班牙研究 -希望辅修西班牙语研究的学生至少需要5门.5 credits at the HISP 221 level and beyond to develop linguistic skills and to incur a deeper understanding of Spanish and Latin American culture and civilization.

如果学生在讲西班牙语的国家留学,5.5个学分(在HISP 221级别及以上)必须按以下方式分配:

  • 信誉最好的网投十大平台(哈特福德)四门课程, 必须包括一门hsp 26x级别的文化课程, 他270年, 以及一次HISP 300级别的研讨会;
  • one course abroad taken in Spanish and on a topic related to Hispanic cultures; and
  • 他290年:在西班牙语世界研讨会上学习(0).5学分)

如果学生没有在西班牙语国家留学, 学生必须选修至少5门课程.5个学分分配如下:

  • 达到或高于HISP 221水平的五个学分, 其中必须包括至少一门文化课程(26X水平), 他270年, 至少参加一次300级的研讨会.
  • 一个0.在哈特福德地区一家与当地西班牙裔社区合作的组织实习, 或者是第二次300级的研讨会.

No course in English under the language and culture studies rubric can be counted toward the course total. 辅修课程不得超过两门转学课程(国外或其他机构).


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